Riview 4 Tempat Populer Saat Ini Di Dekat Lokasi Pantai Pangandaran

Membahas soal tempat wisata pantai pangandaran jawa barat memang tak ada habisnya karna di kabupaten pangandaran sendiri terkenal dengan beberapa tempat wisata yang sangat indah dan juga sangat terkenal , dulu pangandaran ini bersatu dengan ciamis, dan tidak hanya itu selain pangandaran kaya dengan beragam tempat wisata tentunya pangandaran ini kaya akan sumber daya lautnya yang sangat melimpah.

Dan kali ini saya akan membahas me riview tempat tempat wisata pantai pangandaran terbaru yang lagi hits dan populer pada saat ini, jadi buat anda yang ingin tau nama nama tempat wisata yang ada di kabupaten pangandaran tentunya anda harus membaca artikel ini sampai habis serta anda juga di sini dapat memdapatkan informasi terbaru dari tempat wisata dari daerah lainnya, nah langsung saja ke topik pembahasannya, dan di bawah ini merupakan tempat wisata yang ada di kabupaten pangandaran yang lagi hits yang harus kamu ketahui.

1.Pasir Putih Pangandaran

Pastinya bagi anda yang suka berwisata pastinya sudah tak asing lagi bukan mendengar kata pasir putih, pasir putih adalah satu pantai yang sangat populer dan juga sangat terkenal di kalangan pecinta wisata, dan karna indahnya lokasi di pasir putih tiap harinya banyak orang berbondong bongdong yang datang demi untuk melihat keindahannya dan yang datang puntidak hanya orang indonesia saja melainkan turis pun banyak yang datang di sana dan lokasi tersebut sangat cocok di jadikan tempat untuk berpoto.

2. Pantai Batu Karas

Berbicara tentang tempat wisata indah pantai batukaras adalah pilihan utamanya dan pantai ini juga salah satu pantai wisata yang sangat indah dan juga populer yang masih bagian dari wisata pangandaran dan bagi anda yang menggemari olahraga air seperti berselancar dan juga berenang saya sara pantai ini sangat cocok dan pilihan yang terbaik.

3 Batu Hiu

Pantai batu hiu ini memiliki daya tarik yang sangat tinggi buat para pengunjungnya, karna selaian pemandangan nya yang sangat indah pantai ini sangat terkenal dengan legenda hiunya makannya dinamakan batu hiu sehingga tempat ini menjadi lebih menarik, dan jika di awasi dengan jelas pantai ini sangat mempunyai kemiripan dengan pantai yang berada di bali, dan anda juga di pantai ini bisa menikmati pemandangan batu karang yang menghampar luas dan mempesona , serta untuk lokasi pantai ini tepatnya berada di desa ciliang kecamatan parigi pangandaran selatan.

4 Curug Luhur

Kali ini saya tidak membahas soal pantai , tapi tetap topik yang di bahas masih tentang wisata yang ada di pangandaran, nah tempat wisata yang satu ini merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang lagi populer , sebut saja curug luhur yang berlokasi di desa cimanggu, kecamatan langkaplancar, kabupaten Pangandaran dan jika anda berkunjung ke sana pastinya anda akan merasakan kenyamanan karna selain pemandangan nya yang indah curug ini pun mempunyai udara yang sangat segar maka tak heran jika tiap harinya curug luhur ini banyak di datangi oleh para pengunjung. dan mungkin hanya ini yang bisa saya sampaikan mengenai informasi tempat yang lagi populer saat ini di pangandaran.

3 Tempat Wisata Di Bandung Yang Lagi Hits Banget Dan Virral

Taukah anda kota bandung , kota bandung adalah kota yang sangat terkenal dengan beberapa sejarah baik itu sejarah kemerdekaan maupun sejarah dari segi persepak bolaannya kota bandung juga sangat terkenal dengan nama kota kembang tapi kali ini saya akan bahas tentang wisata bandung yang harus anda ketahui.

Wisata bandung jawa barat merupakan sebuah tempat wisata yang sangat populer dan juga kini sering banyak sekali di kunjungi oleh para pengunjung karna tempatnya sangat indah selain itu anda juga dapat mengunjungi seperti wiasata bandung lembang atau wisata bandung kota , dan yang paling sering saya kunjungi adalah wisata bandung ciwidey , dan ketika anda berkunjung ke ciwidey anda akan di manjakan oleh perkebunan teh yang sangat luas dan juga sangat cocok untuk di jadikan poto preweding, dan di bawah ini anda dapat melihat beberapa tempat wisata yang ada di kota bandung.

1. Perkebunan Teh Pengalengan

Nah perkebunan teh di pangalengan adalah salah satu incaran bagi yang suka dengan wisata alam karna wisata yang satu ini adalah salah satu wisata yang paling indah yang ada di kota bandung yang memiliki udara yang sangat sejuk dan juga suasana di sana sangat begitu tenang dan damai jadi buat anda yang sedang merasakan kejenuhan saya rasa tempat ini sangat cocok.

2. Kawah Putih Ciwidey

Pernahkah anda berwisata ke kota bandung ? ternyata kota bandung sangat kaya akan tempat wisata salah satunya adalah kawah putih ciwidey, kawah putih ciwidey adalah salah satu sasaran oleh para pengunjung dan para tukang akting film dan kawah putih ini merupakan salah satu bagian dari gungung patuha, pengapa wisata ini di sebut kawah putih , karna dahulunya air yang mengalir di kawah putih mengandung zat kimiawi, dan aktivitas yang bisa anda lakukan di sana adalah anda bisa berpoto poto dengan teman anda mapun pacar, dan lokasi ini sangat cocok sekali di jadikan poto propil di fb maupun di ig.

3. Sungai Citarum

Masih membahas kota bandung , jika anda yang suka arum jeram sesekali anda harus kunjungi tempat wisata yang sangat populer iyalah sungai citarum , sungai ini du7lumerupakan sungai yang sangat jernih dan juga bersih serta sungai ini sering banyak di kunjungi oleh para wisatawan karna tempatnya yang sangat sejuk dan juga sangat indah untuk di jadikan poto di medsos, sungai citarum ini juga namanya hingga saat ini masih ngetren di kalangan para pencinta wisata.

Traveling In The UK To 4 Places That Are Full Of History ( London )

Come on, who among you who do not know the country you want, now the country of England is one of the richest and most advanced countries, and the country of England also has a very famous football club in the world, apparently the country of England has many very beautiful tourist centers and is also very famous for its beauty, but this time I will give an article about travel in the UK that you must know and also do not forget to spread this article to your friends in order to add insight.

And if in Indonesia the country is very famous for its presidency, but in England it is famous for its kingdom (king) and every day a tour in the UK is very much visited by tourists from other countries, and about tourism in the UK, especially in England. The capital is London, of course there is no doubt about the charm and beauty of tourist attractions, if I'm not mistaken for more than 2,000 years Lamanaya, a British city based in London, if we know has kept a lot of things that are very amazing that makes the visitors are fascinated and have a great attraction for tourists and this country also has a very high historical value and attracts the attention of tourists.

And of course not only the English capital city also named London has a historical value and a very popular tourist spot among the world, of course this makes the tourists from other countries to leave for the sake of seeing its history and also its amazing tours and pempunning, the city of london is also currently very famous for entertainment, fashion, education, commerce and others as well as tourism. and for those of you who want to Traveling in the UK , of course you must first read this article so that you know the names of tourist attractions and history that you will visit and below you can find out some of the tourist attractions in London and complete with an explanation.

1. british museum

the british museum is one of the tourist attractions in the UK that you can visit with family, and this museum is the oldest museum in the UK which has the oldest museum rank in the world, and this museum is also estimated to have approximately 6 million collections, and one of the collections that you can see is (mummy cat) this mummy that originated from Abydos, and not only mummy cats in the british museum there are also collections such as the extraordinary decorations of the 5th century BC.

2. London Eye

Surely for those of you who have never been to England the name london eye will sound very foreign to our ears, but if you try to go to an English city you can try a giant windmill ride, because English is also famous for its giant windmill tours, and this giant windmill precisely located in the Houses of Parliament, South Bank and if you ride the vehicle will feel the beauty of the city of london, and this giant ferris wheel has a height of about 135 meters and is able to carry 32 passengers (tourists)

3. Natural History Museum

Natural history museum is one of the tours that you can visit if you go on holiday to an English city, and this museum is very famous in the world for its vast collection, now if anyone asks what the collection is, the collection in the museum is around 70 million apecimen which has been displayed as well as all the collections come from Charles Darwin, as well as the botanist Captain Cook and Joseph Bank. and pokonya if you visit this museum, the tone will definitely feel comfortable because in addition to the many collections in this museum, there is also free wi-fi which is deliberately given to visitors for the sake of comfort and kebetahan of the visitors.

4 Tower of London

And here I am still discussing tourism in the UK. The fourth tourist attraction is the Tower of London, now this tower is a very large fortress so that this tower attracts tourists to visit it and not only that in this tourist spot you will also be able to the benefits are very much because this tourist spot also has a very amazing past and a beautiful place. well friends maybe this is all I can say about tourist attractions and history in the UK which is the capital of London.

5 beach resorts in Sri Lanka that captivate tourists with the beauty of its beaches

Did you know that Sri Lanka is a democratic country located on the island of the North Indian Ocean, precisely on the coast of the Indian state, and you need to know that Sri Lanka is famous and very popular with its natural wealth and the largest production in Sri Lanka is tea plantations and besides Sri Lanka also produces coffee , gemstones, coconuts, rubber, and cinnamon and others.

Now the most important thing that I will discuss is about beach tourism in sri lanka In addition to being an expert in producing tea, Sri Lanka also has a wealth of natural attractions that are very beautiful and also attracts the attention of visitors, and below you can see the list of tourist attractions that in Sri Lanka complete with explanation.

1 Unawatuna

The first is Unawatuna - which means (for calm blue waters) arilanka beach is one of the most famous beaches in the country and also in the world and also this beach is famous for its blue and stretching sea waters, and if you visit this beach when you are in luck you will be met with a very large whale I will give tips on the best time to visit is precisely at the end of August and early September when it starts raining precisely in mid-October.

2 Bentota

And the second one is Bentota - which means (for the beach and mangrove forest) I tell all of you friends and so those of you who want to travel to a very beautiful beach, Bentota is the right choice because on the beach of Bentota besides our very beautiful tourist attractions too can while relaxing in the spa, and tourists from the world often come from the world to enjoy the scenery and a very beautiful charm. and the best time to visit is at the end of August to mid-October. and you can also do activities like water skiing and knao and other sports.

3 Mirissa

And the third one is Mirissa - which means (to watch whales) Mirissa beach is one of the best and most popular beaches in the country of Sri Lanka, and if you haven't visited, try if there is time you can go on vacation to this place, because in this place all the tones can be watched aquatic animals in their natural habitat, and the best time to visit this place is precisely in March because when you visit in March you can also see the hatching of large numbers of turtles, as well as exciting activities to do there is swimming, and surfing.

4 Dickwella

Still discussing Sri Lanka's fourth of several very beautiful and also most popular tourist attractions is Dickwella - well this beach is a beach that offers luxury resort areas and most visitors who often come to this place are newly married couples, and This beach is also one of the quietest beaches in Sri Lanka and the most appropriate time to visit this place is precisely in the months of February to April and August / October, and this place is also very suitable for those of us who like sports such as swimming. swimming you can also enjoy the delicious dishes.

5 Weligama

And the fifth is Weligama - which means (For Instagrammable Beach) Weligama is one of the most beautiful and popular tourist spots in Sri Lanka and this beach tour is often used as a selfie and also because it is a very beautiful place so people are very many people visit here to take photos, and this beach is also the perfect choice for those of us who like to surf because there are no dangerous sharks. and maybe this is what I can say about tourist attractions in Sri Lanka for other tourist attractions that you can read about in our next article.

Natural Tourism | Explanation Of Natural Tourism Complete With Several Natural Attractions That You Need To Know

nature tourism is one of the majority and very common activities carried out by indonesian people and nature tourism can also be done with family (groups) or individuals and natural tourism destinations are for recreation, personal development, relieving boredom, and others. and some examples of natural attractions that you can visit like.

Pangandaran beach tourism, nature tour is certainly familiar in our ears, not because most people now if they are on work or on school holiday, they prefer to go to sea to get rid of the saturation feeling, for that you can try it. well the second we can travel to the karas rock beach well karas beach location is not far from the karas rock beach and there you can also enjoy the beautiful view of the ocean that stretches, and besides that you can also visit the shark rock beach tour which is located not far from both of these beaches, and when we want to go on vacation to a beautiful place but close to the same go to the district of Ciamis because the tourist location of the city of Ciamis is very close.

Bali beach tourism, now traveling on the beach of Bali itself must have been a target by tourists because the beach of Bali has a very beautiful attraction and also has a lot of history and has very beautiful tourist attractions and we also want to go on holiday to Bali but we do not have a vehicle and also do not have a license, do not worry because renting a motorbike in Bali does not need to use a sim as long as with a key we must be honest and here are some tourist attractions that you can visit in Bali.

the first hill campuhan , Well, if you are careful of hills, it turns out that currently it is being talked about on social media because the natural scenery is very beautiful and enchanting there we can see the hills that are very green and beautiful and equipped with tropical pepohoan, valleys and rice fields, and in accordance with the place that is beautiful and also romantic this hill is nicknamed the name of the hill love campuhan, and unfortunately because its location is very far away and also hidden people don't know everything yet and there also we can do activities like jogging, trekking and others and this place can also be made a place of preweding.

And the second is Pandawa Beach Pandawa beach has a distinctive like its very white sand and is equipped with a very exotic and enchanting view, and this location is precisely in the Village of Kutuh, Kec. Kuta Selatan, Kab. Badung Bali, and even more beautiful is this beach has a very gentle coastline and has a very wide mouth of the beach, and this tour is also certainly very fitting for those of us who want to vacation with family, and there also we can do sports activities such as swimming, canoeing, visiting 5 Pandawa knight statues, surfing and other activities.

Still discussing about tourist sites in Bali, and the third there is a Bali Waterbom, now this place is a very beautiful water park and the name is very well known and what's great is that it's been almost three years to get the title of the best waterpark in Asia and second best in the world, and you can also just imagine what rides are there in Bali Waterbom certainly the scenery is very beautiful and for those of you who like rides or games that test ardenalin you can try games like wsuper bowl, jungle rides, ace track and many other games, and the area of ​​this tour is about 3.8 hectares and is open at 9 am to 6 pm and that is all I can say about Bali Waterbom tourism.

Now the fourth is the Garuda Wisnu Kencana which in short with the name (GWK) well this is one of the most popular tourist parks currently located in Bali which is located in South Bali and there we can see the Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue with a very large size and not that's all we can feel the beauty of nature like a towering limestone hill and for those of you who like art like dancing, this place feels very fitting because every day in this place there are various types of Balinese arts and dances.

Furthermore, it is Kuta beach, now this tour is one of the most famous and popular tourist destinations and almost all the world knows the name and tourist attractions and this tour is also one of the tourist icons on the Bali Island of the Gods, as well as its charm and Asrian tourism on the beach of Bali is certainly not in doubt, so no wonder also at any time or every day Kuta beach is filled by local and foreign tourists, and activities that we can do there such as playing beach soccer or beach volleyball, surfing, and other sports.

And the fifth is the Sanur beach Sanur beach is located in Denpasar Bali in the east, which is an attraction for local and foreign visitors is the sunrise moment that is so beautiful and enchanting, and its good this beach is always open at any time or 24 hours , and if there is enough free time you can also come whenever you want and what's even more fun is that local and foreign visitors are not charged, but visitors only pay for motorcycle parking or car parking, the parking price is sufficient cheap around Rp. 5,000 for motorbikes and Rp. 1,000 for cars let's visit soon this place is fun you know.

As well as whether the first natural tourism destination is to increase economic growth, improve people's welfare, preserve the natural surroundings and natural resources, foster our love for the motherland, strengthen national identity and unity and the last is to strengthen relationships or friendship between nation. well maybe this is all I can say about the explanation and understanding of nature tourism for those of you who have visited this website and who have read this article are expected to share it with your friends so that your friends know what the meaning of traveling.

Vacation To Europe By Visiting 5 Enchanting Places ( Amsterdam )

This time I will discuss about vacation to europe , well you certainly are familiar with the name of a European country, European countries are one of the advanced countries and also known for their football players, you need to know to be a football player in mainland Europe the children there have to be trained since they are around 8 years old.

And in Europe, besides being famous for its soccer players, European countries are also very famous for their holiday travel. what vacation spots there are in European countries let's look carefully, the first is the Keukenhof Garden which means flower garden, well, this vacation spot is one of the vacation spots most interested by visitors.

Well the second is there Dam Square is still discussing about vacation spots on mainland Europe precisely in the Netherlands, which is adjacent to the Amsterdam Centraal Station and this location is the historical center in the Netherlands Amsterdam and in that place we can also visit shopping centers, places to eat, etc.

The third is Lake Titise, if you want a more distant vacation, you can try a vacation to Europe, so in Europe you can choose a vacation spot, one of them is Lake Titise, Lake Titise is a lake that is fairly broad in mainland Europe which has an area of ​​approximately 1.3 square kilometers and more beautiful is Surrounded by Black Forest and for its own height of about 858 meters above sea level and the lake is also certainly very suitable for those of us who want to try to surf, sail and other sports.

And the fourth is Rhina Falls. still discussing about natural attractions in mainland Europe, if you are a water lover you can try it by going to swiss because swiss country is certainly very famous for having a very beautiful waterfall and also very good to be made prewedding and this waterfall is also a one of the waterfalls that is very popular in swiss country and has a width of up to 150 meters and a height of about 23 meters, and if you visit there you can also while climbing the coral island while enjoying the view.

and tourist attractions in Europe the fifth is Zurich Zurich is a very amazing place and this city also gives a very different impression from other cities, and this city is also one of the cities that can be made tourist attractions in western Europe, maybe this is all I can say about tourist attractions in European countries, for more information you can also read it in our next article.